Why is it better to buy Digital Gold through Digital Gold Tokens than Physical Gold?

Luck Mcfly
8 min readNov 29, 2020


For many years, the main object of exchange for Goods and Services has been Gold. Many of us already know what the value it represents and the immense scope it has achieved to remove even countries in crisis with only its use. In these times that a series of events have occurred in this year 2020 that has been so different that it began with threats of possible wars, its most recent Fundamental event has been Covid-19, which has triggered panic and deaths worldwide , and speculative markets have also been affected.

With great falls it has manifested itself, both in the Stock Market, Stock Market and even Bitcoin that today is having a rebound with a view to reaching its ATH in almost $ 20k, but taking into account that the Gold market did not have a considerable fall, which makes it strong and stable, which provides a lot of confidence against FIAT money that according to some are betting on the fall of the Dollar, Euro and the main world economies similar to those of 2008.

If we consider a scenario similar to 2008, the only way to protect our money is through gold, because we have witnessed the fall even of oil that was considered a safe asset, and for the Stock Market when reviewing its history it has suffered from falls and big bubbles in the market.

Some Investors and people who do not trust the world economy have chosen to buy gold to guarantee their fortune, some buy physical gold and others in the stock market, in the same way to buy physical gold and move it from one place to another is quite a lot. complicated, both in paying the respective taxes as well as for the necessary permits and thus guarantee the authenticity of the same, and this without counting the enormous problem that represents the care so that it is not stolen.

When you buy physical gold even in very small quantities, it is better to go to the most reliable jewelry because it is the one that guarantees the quality of the gold, and this has a schedule, and open indexes of insecurity when buying, and when they are large quantities. gold, the process is more complicated, as we had previously discussed.

In the best of cases that we succeed in buying the quantity of gold, be it very high quantity or little, the problem would be where it can take refuge? Some opt for banks, their safes, but this does not give sufficient guarantee, anonymity, privacy perhaps a little, but security is debatable. When it is bought in small quantities, the problem is that you must be careful when transporting it and the most common that it is taken from you.

When you buy gold, the legal process is that they know who is buying the gold, thus offering some information of interest and grab your data and if you are a fan of privacy and anonymity it is already a discomfort, but, Gold is Gold, some will say, No It matters, I will always prefer to have gold at all costs, but what if there were to buy gold digitally? And that at the same time it could be sold at any time of the day? We are referring to Digital Gold, whose page: https://gold.storage/ and if the gold can be bought safely.

But why trust it? It is simple, at the security level it is complete, because it is based on Blockchain technology under the ERC-20 algorithm, and obeys price changes according to the real-time gold market, and unlike Bitcoin, Digital Gold has in Singapore a vault with physical gold to back it up, where audits are made at every moment.

So for those people who do not know or have no idea how to use or enter the easiest way is by accessing your page and buying safely, because you will save many fees and it can be at any time from the comfort of your home.

And although in the crypto world there are many projects, Digital Gold offers a lot of security and reliability, there are several projects that are also based on Gold, but when browsing Digital Gold: https://gold.storage/es/home and read its whitepaper and having an official thread on bitcointalk.org: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544 in whose forum I have a profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u = 1153977 I discovered this project, which has the unique authenticity and guarantee of having the acceptance of the community.

Currently many people are beginning to accept Blockchain technology, particularly Bitcoin is somewhat scared due to its high volatility, recently it was very close to reaching its ATH at $ 20k, and at the time of writing this article it is around the $ 16k, there are many who defend Blockchain technology, Bitcoin and other very radical who defend Gold.

If we go to history, Gold represents security and is the metal that has the ability to get any country out of economic crisis, if we make a fusion of Blockchain Technology + GOLD, Digital Gold will come out, but why is Digital Gold better than any other Crypto project having to do with GOLD? Well Digital Gold has the complete confidence of a great team who is the one who carries the project afloat, when checking in Bitcointalk.org you can see the good reputation that the team has and it has already been reviewed by several users of the forum in bitcointalk who are dedicated to find and unmask scammers, in addition to the fact that the project is growing more and more, you can see that their Exchanges where they have the token are:

1.- LiveCoin

2.- Bitforex

Currently the culture about gold in many people is very diverse, some investors do not hesitate to leave their money in gold to protect themselves, gold represents the best Safe Haven worldwide, investors are very doubtful where to place their money when it comes to to choose a good project at the level of cryptocurrencies and of course, if when encountering a sea of ​​projects where many focus on gold, the way to determine the best is by following both the project and the community, its scope and development, as well like enforcing what’s on the whitepaper, that way you check for authenticity.

Regarding current events, that the rise of bitcoin, these movements do not affect the gold market, much less the Digital Gold project, since it obeys the movements that occur in gold, and when reviewing the movements of gold it is possible to see clearly that it has an upwardly directed and stable behavior:

It always has an upward movement, seeking more value and trying to seek stability.

In an opinion made by Paul Tudor, he speaks emphatically about the rise that Bitcoin has had, he sees a lot of potential in it, so much so that he has even compared it to the gold boom of the 1970s when gold had its bullish trend until the most high, actually puts it like this:

Source: https://es.cointelegraph.com/news/paul-tudor-jones-bitcoin-fractal-hints-at-possible-explosive-btc-rally

So when seeing this type of graph, the Intelligent Investor, the one who always puts the money in the best possible investment, which is better? Invest in the Stock Market? What was one of the markets that fell much faster with the fundamental Covid-19? Bitcoin? Great manageable option with a limited flow of Bitcoins of 21 million, which would create a totally deflationary economy by completely eliminating the debt, the Physical Gold? Mainly managed but with difficult transportation, more taxes to be transferred and with a high risk of being robbed? Or can we take advantage of Blockchain technology + Physical Gold (Backed in Sigapur in safe) = DIGITAL GOLD? Where you can make your transaction quickly and safely at any time, where unlike the Stock Market in the face of the pandemic, Gold did not fall with that tremendous speed and without such an overwhelming percentage, or perhaps DIGITAL GOLD is superior to physical Gold because Can it be traded, manipulated in real time by skipping permits and expensive taxes?

Investors, entrepreneurs, institutions that want to shelter their money no longer trust banking, so the bank has had to resort to migrating to blockchain technology including Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and JP Morgan himself launching his so-called Stablecoin JP Coin, in bitcointalk.org I launched the analysis of that news, you can verify it here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5284829.0 this discussion is in the Local Spanish section of the forum, but the opinions are from a high standard and with a high quality.

Just imagine JP Morgan taking a look at Digital Gold: https://gold.storage/

Read the whitepaper and implement it in your banks, the impact would be phenomenal, however, taking the order of ideas also noteworthy that there are some investors who think that Bitcoin will be much higher than gold, as stated by the billionaire Stanley Druckenmille where in the same way I took this discussion to the forum in the local Spanish section: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5288200.0 and when analyzing these points of view, everything points towards the Safe Refuge of Money, and here undoubtedly the Greater confidence is in GOLD, and even more what many wise investors still do not know is DIGITAL GOLD, which is the project of the future, which cannot go unnoticed by lovers of gold, Bitcoin, stock market .

When we talk about Money Diversification, why not do it safely? Avoiding volatility? Although it is a great moment for Bitcoin, it will always be successful to invest in Gold, the DIGITAL GOLD, gives that confidence, security, where you have the total and absolute daily audit of the tokens as you have the secure Physical GOLD in Singapore.

Throughout the article I emphasize on some investors of Gold, of Bitcoin, even a little of the Stock Market, where Investment Master Warren Buffet is an expert, and given that investors always study which is the safest Investment, studying Actions, gold does not need to be studied, because it has gained that security through its history, since AC it was already traded with gold, in our days Gold has the ability to get any country out of a financial crisis, and if we have it digitally, we can handle the amount in Dollars or Euros that you want without going through permits from a Bank or a Third Party to send the Tokens to our destination, over time I am sure that many Traditional Banks will be doing business with the Team of Digital Gold to set fees for your services, so why not pioneer Digital Gold? What other doubt exists? It has already been compared with other crypto projects which, DIGITAL GOLD turns out to be superior.

We are heading to a world controlled through a lot of technology, bots, AI, where we will still have the power of our finances, since having GOLD in a Digital way, is another level, the businesses that can be developed are so many that the limit is heaven.!



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