Why Investors should choose DIGITAL GOLD for their Investment.

Luck Mcfly
7 min readOct 29, 2020


On many occasions some people have approached me asking, in what should I choose to Invest? In the Stock Market, in Bitcoin? In any cryptocurrency? Any stablecoin? My answer is somewhat general: If you have to resist 8 to 10 years without using that money, then invest in the STOCK MARKET, if you want to make a medium to short-term investment, the best is Bitcoin. I honestly had not thought about stablecoins, Gold always resonated in my head, but it is so difficult to obtain physical gold today, because of how expensive it is, the taxes that there are to move gold from one place to another.
The markets also trade with the Gold that we buy, the one that we sell, the FIAT money, absolutely these currencies are tradable. In some investment books such as those by Warren Buffet and other recognized investors, what they always advise is to know how to choose the safest action, the one that pays off over the years.

When we refer to the Crypto market, the one that stands out is Bitcoin, since Bitcoin is considered the King, there are also many alternative cryptocurrencies, which always dream of being bigger than Bitcoin.

In this type of market, it is mainly due to many of the movements of Bitcoin, if the Bitcoin rises in price the other altcoins rise in price, it takes some time to rise, but in the end they follow the movement. This is something that many do not see, some are advocates that their altcoins do not depend on Bitcoin, but sooner or later they will see it, the only way that I do not see that they do not keep up with Bitcoin is the coins that serve for Pump or Dump, of course this is my overview I have about the crypto market.

But those lovers of Gold? what’s with them? Some who operate in the markets buy their shares in gold, but of course, those people who are new, who have problems with a KYC in one of the brokers, or even who have prohibitions in their countries and cannot enter, have some limitations, in this case DIGITAL GOLD, whose website is: https://gold.storage/es/home offers a way to be able to invest in gold safely, without having to go through KYC or those regulations that delay as much as on brokers, but why do I recommend it? In my passage through the most recognized forum as bitcointalk.org, whose profile I have as: LUCKMCFLY, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1153977 DIGITAL GOLD has its official thread, where it has passed through The best filters of its users and give faith that it is a legitimate and Trustworthy project, where you can go directly to the link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544 where they have their presentation ANN where you can find its whitepaper:

https://gold.storage/wp/White_paper_en.pdf, it is very reliable because it is based on an ERC-20 algorithm, Blockchainy technology stands out over any Altcoin due to the fact that it is backed by Physical Gold that rests on Singapore in a safe, where the price varies according to the market price of Gold in Real time, which is an indication of confidence, there is no conflict or corruption in prices, it is only due to market speculation.

But the Investor must always think in the long term, because otherwise he would be a market speculator, if we are thinking of Safe Investment we have Gold, but Physical Gold has difficulties to acquire it, then it is best to buy DIGITAL GOLD tokens, It is very simple, entering the page: https://gold.storage/es/home you can now buy it from the comfort of your home.

So when we think about the best investment that has to include technology and elements of the traditional economy, we could say that we are based on Blockchain Technology + Traditional High Value Element such as Gold = DIGITAL GOLD Tokens.

Here there is always an order and a control because every moment audits are made regarding the purchase and sale of tokens, and it is linked to the real-time Gold market. Gold has always been the metal that gets anybody out of trouble. country, person, and the easiest and safest way to acquire it is to buy it digitally.

If we think of the Bitcoin Whales, each of them also known as Strong Hands plan, plan and manage their movements months and some years in advance, using tools and indicators to predict prices, fundamental analysis is essential for Investors , making an outline of the possible schemes or scenarios that may be presented, some did not see a fundamental such as Covid-19 coming, and it can be remembered that the markets worldwide suffered, the stock market and almost all markets fell into panic , but it must be recognized that the Gold market such as Bitcoin were the first to re-emerge and have a rapid recovery.

Many market speculators talk about a possible correlation between Gold and Bitcoin, and although they are similar to each other because they represent money, gold has much more history than bitcoin, therefore, the correlation that may exist is short term.

Source: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/

An investor sees all these scenarios and concludes that the best diversification of his money is in the investment, and he can divide it between gold and bitcoin, but if we have gold safely in digital, taking advantage of technology is a much safer way than having it in a digital way. physical, then DIGITAL GOLD has been the best solution.

If an investor today buys DIGITAL GOLD tokens and at the same time buys Bitcoin, he would have an investment based on the safety of a whole history like gold and another investment like Bitcoin subject to volatility. This is to be between the safe and between the risk, it would be all the time within the market subject to technology and traditional investment, when we think of adverse situations such as wars or different ways that the world is paralyzed, those who have shares in The stock market, in markets such as forex, is very likely to collapse, but technologies such as bitcoin and those that are now joining the DIGITAL GOLD are looking for solutions so innovative that there will be no need for internet, some are working on obtaining communication using Radio frequency.

Banks will always be the best shelters for the safeguarding of gold, FIAT money, but those holders of them have to look for permits to withdraw it whenever they want, and this generates delays in applications, when withdrawals are made in DIGITAL GOLD they are immediate and without the need for third parties, because it takes advantage of blockchain technology, the same technology as Bitcoin.

In some investment books, a well-known one called: The little book that still beats the market by JOEL GREENBLATT, they emphasize that the secret of a good investment that makes you rich is knowing how to choose the Action that will pay off in 8 or 10 years In our case we have a unique facility, the sure action that will never disappoint will be gold, and if we can acquire it digitally, why be afraid? We have to do it and in a not so long period we can have great benefits, it must be emphasized that Gold will never suffer from inflation, like bitcoin, with DIGITAL GOLD a deflationary technology will be widely enjoyed, no matter if there is a worldwide fall of FIAT money, having DIGITAL GOLD Tokens will be the greatest protection of money, it is more than a Safe Haven.

In Warren Buffet’s books, he points out that he did a lot of analysis of the Stock Market actions, but if we analyze the markets with Wyckoff’s theory, the Accumulation and Distribution phases are fulfilled.

In my particular opinion I am a defender and I apply in my market studies everything related to Wyckoff’s theory, in fact Wyckoff’s theory is fulfilled in all markets, sometimes the market for Bitcoin and any cryptocurrency takes a different step than From the Stock Market, some tips that on the books of another market speculator known as Jesse Livermore when he traded on WALL STREET in the 1800–1900s are valid now, but many say, is not the Stock Market the same as the Crypto market? It is true, it is not the same, the movements of the Stock Market occur every 8–10 years, those of the crypto market at any time can occur, the crypto market has an ingredient as important as volatility, however, the theories of speculative markets Like Wyckoof’s, Jesse Livermore’s fundamentals to the Crypto market apply.

With all this analysis, every investor who reads this article, can realize that based on reading some books many things can be achieved, the best investments and even almost investment advice, If WARREN BUFFET begins to believe in Bitcoin, I do not There would be no doubt that his investment would be in DIGITAL GOLD, and another investor like Rober Kiyosaki has shown interest in Blockchain technology with Bitcoin, if at least he read this article I am sure that a large part of his money would go to DIGITAL GOLD, because he is an investor who applies diversification.

On some occasions in the 1970s the diversification of money was very famous, since there was the investment of Real Estate, Stock Market, Bonds, Insurance, Savings in Banks, Gold, but since the Crash of 2008 all this changed, many technologies emerged , including in 2009 with the birth of Bitcoin, now DIGITAL GOLD, which is the best safe option to acquire gold and until now it is one of the cryptocurrencies after Bitcoin that gives great security and confidence, since the DIGITAL GOLD token It is backed by Physical Gold and by the Supply and Demand that the GOLD market has.



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