Digital Gold Tokens By 2021

Luck Mcfly
6 min readDec 28, 2020


Digital Gold is the project framed in GOLD with Blockchain protection, making it the safest of all Crypto projects, since being backed by Physical Gold in a Singapore Safe-Deposit Box, is what makes the difference.

In this year 2020 where there were and continue to be many new and unexpected events, marking Fundamentals that have affected all types of Markets, Digital Gold has remained firm, with Financial stability and solvent, its Blockchain technology makes it continue to be durable over time, and taking into account the entire history of gold, it could be said that it is one of the projects with the most future that exist in the macro world of cryptocurrencies, that is, it can be a link bridge for those Traditional Investors whose investments are based on Precious metals, stock market, forex, are attracted to Gold in a Digital way through Digital Gold Tokens, where it can be found on their website: where each is explained Detailed detail for those investors who are not very sure, there will clarify their doubts in general.

On the other hand, this 2020 has brought much more history to gold, since in October the purchase of Gold by the Banks began, which brought a Demand in it, it can be seen here:


Where, according to the report, a year-on-year + 18.6% is appreciated.

These figures are very encouraging and show the great benefit of investing in Gold, so when talking about Digital Gold having these analyzes, what Investors have to believe is simply in the Blockchain technology, because the audits are daily and there are no any possibility that there is some kind of theft or corruption.

The smartest way for investors now is to put their money here, because they will not have to ask banks for permits or those annoying taxes that they put for the transfer of it, while some trade with gold, the investor buys digitally, and you are having an advantage over the corresponding gold that is globally.

In the previous graph it must be emphasized that it only represents the purchase and sale by banks for their reserves, investors who at every moment decide to buy gold physically, and through ETF’s, have not been mentioned here, but Nothing is easier than doing it through the page: or through LIVECOIN or BitForex https: //www.bitforex. com / en / spot / gold_btc which are the Exchanges that have the authorization for the sale of Digital Gold tokens.

But what happens in gold mining?

In many films they show us a wild world of gold mining, where it is a save who can and where the Law of the strongest is the one that predominates, but in reality it is a wild world?

According to an Analyst known as Peter Sinclair Senior Gold Advisor, he says that mining is one of the most audited by many organizations, entities, governments and people in general, where it is the most regulated today.

According to the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), it launched one of its principles:


For sure, I do not know up to this point the control and regulation is reaching in each geographical point of the earth, in Venezuela there is much speculation about this issue, because in the area near one of the wonders of the world known as SALTO EL ANGEL, Gold is being exploited in a Non-Controlled manner by the government at a very accelerated rate, even without importing the flora and fauna. Other laws come in here, which are their own.

Due to all this problem, when it comes to gold mining, the acquisition of Gold in a physical way turns out to have many giant variants, this 2020 the Digital Gold project has become much more known through its tokens, and if everything goes with the initial events of 2020, it can be speculated that it may be an equal or more complicated year, where to have an investment in gold is still the most sought after and the most intelligent investment, then the Digital Gold Tokens do their part.

Now from another point of view, if China represents 3.3% of the total reserves, it has remained somewhat high, the Chinese economy has maintained a large increase compared to the other world economies since trading volumes have increased , especially in Au (T + D) while the ETF movements have been stable, this has resulted in that now also the demand for Physical Gold increased, so this means that during 2020 it has remained with a good number With respect to the year 2019, even improving, if we take into account that current investors put at least 2–3% of their general portfolio for Digital Gold tokens, they would be becoming the Stron Hands of the same, that is, Digital Gold It gives you the opportunity to get more Gold Digitally backed by Physical Gold, to have available at any time of the day, to make the move quickly and effectively.

I imagine that in this high season of December, in China Physical Gold sales will have increased much more, because with all the good streak that gold is going through, it is the best time to buy.

If China buys Digital Gold tokens, they would be becoming one of the largest gold holders worldwide, as is Dubai, they would have guaranteed financial security for many years.

Now, if we take into account generating long-term returns, diversifying, obtaining liquidity without risks, this is where Gold comes in, that is why the large Investors do not hesitate to enter the game with Gold, although the trend today is heading Towards technology, making a mixture of both is always a good option, Digital Gold tokens will always be the safest option to acquire gold, perhaps this 2021 if the supposed global crisis worsens, as many economists have predicted, what is convenient is the shelter of money, it has been shown that thanks to Covid-19 many banks have been kept in total quarantine, some to a circumstantial period open due to emergencies, and for an emergency what is needed is to have what is has, and if it is had but cannot be obtained, how can it be solved?

It is known in advance that the internet is a service that in some years will become free and mandatory, just by owning tokens in Bitforex or LIVECOIN, any sum of money can be handled instantly, this functionality based on Blockchain with the help of low development the ERC-20 algorithm of tokens make life easier with access to Gold without the risk of theft, if this is the Future then Welcome to 2021 with the largest number of Digital Gold tokens possible, since worldwide gold is the most pure and simple safe money haven.

Gold has already been talked about as a store of Value, its importance as an Investment, now we also have to say that it is a luxury good, and although Digital Gold does not have the ability to make certain assumptions, some have the advantage of having physical gold to do them, but the best way to have gold at the Digital level with Digital Gold tokens, is to get a Strong Hands of it, and how to do it? Through the purchases of Digital Gold tokens.

If you are a Strong Hands of Digital Gold tokens you can move the market in a certain way, obeying the General Gold market in real time, that in a certain way is a great luxury to have it and own it, with the exception that you can become the owner of most of the tokens and without showing or showing who you are.

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